In Praise of Birds in Barrels

It may not be obvious here since I am such a slacker about posting to this site, but I have been writing…writing furiously in fact. And it is glorious!

The things I am writing? Some are articles–my beloved gardening column in Alabama Living magazine top among them–and some are books (I’ve published two in the last year). But recently the things I have been writing have been much less structured because they have been straight-from-the-soul words spurred to life by writing prompts from Birds in a Barrel.

Birds in a Barrel is a writing program developed and nurtured by Robin Razu, a professional writer and editor who discovered the usefulness of a daily writing prompt and shared it with others.  As her website explains: “BIRDS IN A BARREL IS A PROGRAM FOR RELEASING NONFICTION CREATIVITY INTO THE WILD.”

Some of my writerly friends–a small pack of women who are already accomplished, acclaimed writers but, like me, are always looking for the next inspiration or catalyst–suggested it to me. I am forever indebted to these women for many things, Birds in a Barrel being the most recent and life-changing thing they have given me. It’s all about 40 days and 40 nights of writing, which can lead to 40, 000 words (just kidding, but it does help rack up the word count AND the ideas for future stories).

I write this post to encourage others to sign up for B-n-B. I’ll leave it to you to discover the details of it at, but suffice it to say that, if you’re willing to undertake it, it’s amazing.

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